There are many legends concerning its origin, one being that the local squire was so good to his tenants, keeping their rents low etc, that they decided to erect a monument to him. When they were halfway through the construction, the squire asked them what they were up to and they told him. His response was to say that, if they could afford to waste money on such a folly, they could afford to pay him more, so he put all their rents up! Needless to say, the Monument was never completed.
Anyway, the National Trust have spoiled it all by putting up a plaque declaring that , in reality, the Monument commemorates a Grand Master of the Freemasons called Thomas, Earl of Zetland. Blooming spoilsports!!
It was a lovely day, with an almost cloudless sky, and the Monument was surrounded by a most colourful display of wild flowers. The weather this year has been wonderful for the vegetation here in the North of England, if not for the people.
It’s quite a toil to get to the top of the hill so I was really ready for a pint when I finally came back down. Nearby is a fantastic development, which has been landscaped over acres of former pit land, and there is a pub, The Country Park to serve it.
In I went at the double, almost treading on my tongue (I must have looked like a Spaniel) and was most gratified to find that they had that fi
All landlords please note!
You seem to be a bit unlucky with cloudy/dodgy cask beer in your neck of the woods!
Perhaps you're right, but I've never thought that SLIGHTLY cloudy cask beer is unacceptable. I think that when real ale is crystal clear it is sometimes a sign that it has been cooled to far too low a temperature, resulting in arrested secondary fermentation.
Drinking cold beer is something of a modern phenomenon in U.K. Our beers were always served tepid in the past, much to the disgust of visiting North Americans!
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